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Lesley Nase

I am Lesley Nase, Creator, and CEO of ‘Intuitive Animal Communication and Healing’. I am the host of ‘Books, Yarns & Tails’ on Win Win Women TV. For more than 30 years, pet people have hired me when conventional healing methods failed to answer their questions.

My gift and passion have allowed me to help hundreds of cats, dogs, and horses, as well as people, access their innate healing abilities, get to the root of their imbalances, and restore themselves to optimal health and wealth, naturally and holistically.

Today, Business Pet People hire me to reveal the Law of Pet Action, because most do not realize their pets have the answers to release the unique blocks, barriers, and doubts. So, I help communicate, authenticate, and collaborate with your pets to unleash your greatest success..

Oct. 14, 2022

📍 Epic Engagement Adventure: CORE™️ Communication with Lesley Nase

What’s CORE approach, and how can it help you grow your business? Lesley Nase might have some ideas for you. 💭💭

Episode page