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Eddie Wilders

Eddie Wilders Profile Photo

Let's say your career and life is a sitcom. (I know mine is.)

Maybe the latest plot twist is that the main character lost their job. (Sound familiar?)

Think of me as the screenwriter who can take a cliffhanger and turn it into a Hollywood ending. (a “they all lived happily ever after” if you will)

So, here's the premise of my life's sitcom. (Reach out to me anytime with yours.)

Brooklyn kid ["Eddie"] grows up with a mom ["Mom"] who works for the Board of Education in
NYC and a dad ["Dad"] who drives for the MTA out of the Jackie Gleason Depot in Brooklyn.

Hilarity ensues.

My own hilarity-filled hijinks followed me through a successful career in advertising and
marketing that covered research, analytics, and recruitment. Successful, yes, but not rewarding.

And then I grew up. And the sitcom of my life started to become a bit tired and old, and I knew I
needed to make a few rewrites. It just wasn’t fun anymore.

Metaphorically speaking, I was in the middle of the 20th season and I decided to cancel the
show. And I switched careers, from the advertising world to the career coaching world.


I wanted to help those that were struggling to find their next great opportunity.

I love working with different people at different points of their life. Whether they are fresh out
of college or in the workforce for 30+ years, everyone’s story is unique and different.

As different as those stories are, there are still plot points that each story should have.

Making sure that your resume is tailored to the role you’re looking for is just one example of

I realized that I loved hearing stories about where you are in your sitcom. I realized that I love helping people.

What's your story?

(Ok, I really work with people to turn around their careers, start new careers, jump up the
ladder a few rungs, or just generally get a lot more successful.)

I work with a lot of professionals who are stuck where they are and want to create and strategize their own journey, their own story. Write their own sitcom.

June 29, 2023

📍EEA: Tell Your Professional Story with Eddie Wilders

Has it ever occurred to you that looking for a job has similarities to the structure of storytelling? 🌟 Here's Eddie Wilders to explain how ⬇️⬇️

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