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How To Grow Your Tribe With Bots: The Bot Signal

How To Grow Your Tribe With Bots: The Bot Signal
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The Quest For Epic Engagement
I'm asked this question quite often. Most of the time, I'll tailor the answer to who I'm talking to. If you livestream or podcast, I'll usually say a reminder bot for your shows is a great place to start. If you're a coach, I usually recommend using a challenge to get more subscribers. Today, we're going to take a different view. We're going to go 30,000 feet up, and look at how to grow your tribe, even if you don't have any content or any idea where to start. Here's the platform I use:

Still reading? Fantastic!!! For those that read this far, I have a special gift. 🎁

Come have a beverage with us in The Come Wright Inn. It's full of people who are looking to connect with other visionary entrepreneurs. And for a better way to do their marketing. Also, we have fun. Lots of it. 🎉